Urban Edible Spaces Initiative:
Growing Food and Happiness in a Sustainable Community
Building on HKU’s research on the value of urban edible roofs and the experience of HKU Edible Spaces, this project aims to expand the benefits of edible spaces to a wider audience. Through hosting educational programmes, training student ambassadors and building online resources, this project will raise sustainability awareness and enhance the wellbeing of participants. Members of the public, especially the elderly, will be invited to join tailor-made activities at the HKU Edible Spaces. These activities will be assisted by trained student ambassadors such that intergenerational connectivity can be fostered. Talks and online resources will be developed to spark off similar initiatives elsewhere in Hong Kong.
This programme is part of the Impact Project "Urban Edible Spaces Initiative: Growing Food and Happiness in a Sustainable Community" under the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Scheme 2020/21. This KE project is co-organised by CEDARS-GE and the Sustainability Office.
本計劃以香港大學對都市天台農圃價值的研究及港大校園內可食空間(Edible Spaces) 包括天台農莊及香草園的成功經驗為基礎,旨在更廣泛地推動可食空間對社會及人們所帶來的裨益,藉著舉辦不同類型的教育活動、學生大使培訓及建立網上資料庫,加深公眾對可持續發展的認識、加強社區聯繫及推廣身心健康。本計劃將邀請公眾人士參與港大可食空間的活動,尤其是長者,而通過培訓後的港大學生大使將協助籌辦活動,以促進跨代互動與凝聚。計劃中的知識及資源分享部份,將帶動更多相關的計劃在本地展開。
Forum 研討會
In this forum series, we will invite renowned local and regional guests to join our conversation exploring the social value of edible spaces in the city, based on their respective experience. The two forums will focus on the potential of urban edible spaces in building sustainable communities and enhancing the wellbeing of the community.
HKU Edible Spaces Ambassador Training Programme
To expand the benefits of the edible spaces to a wider audience, HKU students who are passionate about gardening/farming and sustainability are recruited to join the 1st Edible Spaces Ambassador Training Programme. Students who have completed the programme will assist HKU Edible Spaces to host tours and workshops for the general public. In the training programme, experts from respective areas will share their knowledge and experiences with the participants, and the participants will apply what they have learnt while designing and hosting the tours and workshops.
Programme Details: https://www.cedars.hku.hk/ge/newsevents/detail?id=878